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Space Clearing

Negative energies in your home or office directly affect your own field, your Life Force and your frequency. If dark or stagnant energies are stuck in some areas, I can clear your space.

Then if you wish, I will perform a shamanic Purification Ritual, and I will call in positive energies. You can also choose what frequencies you want me to bring in (love, joy, etc...). If you wish to dedicate your home to a specific goal, I will "consecrate" your space.
If needed, I will explain how you can protect yourself from the Electro Magnetic Fields generated by microwaves, computers and other sources.

In order to keep good vibes in your home or if you would like to create a "Sacred Space" for meditation, I will show you how to make an Altar. Let your creativity flow!
Possibilities are endless...




Feng Shui

After Space Clearing, I highly recommend Feng Shui, to keep the new positive energies flowing.

Feng Shui is an inspiring way of infusing warm peaceful joyful vibrations into your home or office. Using ancient Chinese and Indian philosophies, it was created 6,000 years ago. It is based on mathematics, geography, cosmology, astrology, psychology, and spirituality. 
Furthermore, according to those ancient teachings, decluttering our home also declutters our subconscious mind. Getting rid of what we don't use, choosing the right colors, materials, objects, symbols for the different areas of the Bagua, adding energy activators...      

Decluttering... It changes our frequency... When we have more clarity, we can explore new ideas, think of new directions, see new perspectives.
The Wisdom of Feng Shui. It does make a difference...  

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